Veggies Sunshine and Movement

A lot of veggies, sundhine and a lot of movement , and i am making a food vlog and a gua sha “How to” video for my Youtube channel and hopefully some of you will find it interresting

Back to high RAW

The way i like to eat is by letting my intuition guide me towards what my body needs. After pregnancy i felt like eating meat once in a while after 7 years of being a vegetarian. It took a while before i gave in to that gut feeling and now i have been eating meat…


These past weeks i have focused on getting all my macro and micro nutrients from whole foods and skipping my daily protein powder and taking less supplements. I am using  cronometer to undestand where i get all my nutrients from and what’s missing or what i don’t get enough of. I will continue doing this …

Fast RAW squares

One thing I had to get used to becoming a mom is having  less time. That’s why my RAW balls became squares :-). They still taste delicious and filled with micro and macro nutrients. They are just faster to make 😀 I used a Nutribullet to grind up the almonds and dates.  

Vegan salad recipe

This Vegan salad is filling you up with nutrients and is very delicious. This is what i used for it. And adjust the ingredients to your taste. Maybe you like more chilli and less beans. You can’t go wrong with these delicious organic veggies. -1/2 raw cauliflower. Chopped in mouth size pieces -2-4 handful arugula -1 fresh…

Yoga inspired

I LOVE yoga and I have practiced yoga for 18 years on and of. The past years I have focused on learning some of the difficult poses to push myself and my body. Here are some of the poses I am practicing at the moment.

Beetroot smoothie

A smoothie i love is the one I make with beetroot. It’s simple, delicious and nutritious and it’s good for you. I try to drink this smoothie at least every second day to help cleanse the liver and to build blood. Check out some of the good nutrition benefits of this amazing vegetable HERE. If…

Gluten-free baby friendly pancakes

After many trials I have found the perfect combination of ingredients to make delicious gluten-free and nutritious pancakes. My 10 month old son loves them and I do too. This recipe gives you 4 small pancakes. Most of the time he will eat it all up, but if he doesn’t , I keep the rest…

Getting my body back

After pregnancy and 10 months of breastfeeding i am slowly getting my body back. I am very humble and thankful to have this amazing experience. A female body is truely amazing.

7 måneder gravid // træning // plantemad + smoothie Bowl opskrift

Mit fokus den sidste tid har været at få en masse rå og tilberedte grøntsager, frugt og nødder, især når det i perioder af ens graviditet har været svært at spise sundt og varieret pga kvalme, hvilket har været tilfældet for mig. Så lige nu er jeg bare taknemmelig for at kunne spise og have…